How (and when) can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your paid subscription at any time in your account. Just click "cancel subscription", and the automatic renewal will be stopped. You can still use the subscription for the period that is already paid for.

Do you offer free trials?

No, but we'll do you one better! When you create an account, you are automatically subscribed to our free-of-charge plan. You can perform up to 100 conversions per month. You need more? Upgrade to a paid plan.

What about my data privacy?

Your data is safe with us. We never store the data in your requests or the generated documents, ever. We do store the data necessary to keep your account up and running, though. This information includes (not a complete list): your name, address, email address, business information and payment details.

See our Privacy Policy for more information.

What happens when I exceed my montly request quotum?

Users will be notified via e-mail and in their account dashboards when they have used up 75%, 90% and 100% of their montly request quotums. When the montly quotum has been reached, you will not be able to perform any more conversions until the start of the next billing period. However, you can upgrade your plan and use the benefits of that plan immediately.

Can I switch my current subscription to an annual plan?

Yes, you can switch to an annual plan if you are currently subscribed to a monthly plan. You need to take a few steps to do so:

  1. You need to cancel your current (monthly) subscription.
  2. When it's cancelled, you can subscribe to a new plan. Choose "annual" when doing so.
  3. Your annual plan will start the day your current (montly) subscription ends!
I want to completely remove my account, how can I do that?

Please contact us if you want to remove your account. We will make the necessary arrangements to remove it from our systems. Once it is removed you cannot access your account anymore, as the data is completely gone from our systems.

Please be advised that some parts of your account's data cannot be removed if you have had a paid subscription, due to tax legislations in The Netherlands. After the required retention period your data will be removed.

See our Privacy Policy for more information.

Which payment methods do you support?

Payments for OpexPDF are processed by Mollie, which supports credit card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express), iDeal, PayPal and SEPA direct debit.