Quick start

To perform your first request, take the following steps:

  1. Obtain an API key from your account;
  2. Use Postman or any other tool that can perform REST requests, and make a POST-request:
    • Request URL:
    • Add the API key to the request headers:
      X-Api-Key: PDF-000000-0000-0000-0000000000 <-- replace with the key from your account
    • The body of the request should contain the details needed for conversion, in json-format:
        "bodyHtmlContent": "<p>Hello world!</p>",
        "options": {
          "title": "Hello world!",
          "paperOrientation": "Portrait",
          "paperSize": "A4",
          "marginLeft": 1,
          "marginRight": 1,
          "marginBottom": 1,
          "marginTop": 1
  3. Execute the request and save the results as a PDF file!